In this video, we will be demonstrating how to install a pre-fabricated #Belzona composite wear pad for piping, using Belzona SuperWrap II and Belzona 1331. Belzona’s composite repair solutions offer alternatives to welding, eliminating the need for hot work. This system offers exceptional erosion and corrosion resistance between pipes and pipe supports and is a quick and easy repair for various industries, including Oil and Gas, Power Generation and Marine. Step-by-step application guidelines: 1. First, use a jack to elevate the pipe above its support pad, allowing enough room to access the underside of the pipe. 2. Abrasive blast the surface of the pipe where you wish to bond the composite wear pad. 3. Degrease the area using Belzona 9111 to remove the surface contaminants and debris. 4. Mix one of Belzona’s two-component paste-grade systems, until it is free of any streaks. 5. Using a stiff bristled brush, work the mixed material into the masked area on the pipe. Simultaneously apply the material on to the pre-fabricated composite pad using a Belzona applicator. 6. Correctly align the composite pad and press firmly against the coated area on the pipe. 7. Using a jack, carefully lower the pipe until all its weight is resting on the pipe support. This ensures compression of the composite pad and 100% contact is achieved. 8. Neaten the application by wiping away any excess that had exuded from the sides. 9. Now remove the masking tape and the application is complete Products used during this application: Belzona SuperWrap II - Belzona 1331 – Belzona 1212 - For more information on how to create a #Belzona composite wear pad, visit: