Four Ways to Repair Concrete with Belzona 4111

00:00 Common concrete problems include concrete voids, unleveled equipment, loose anchor bolts, and chocking.

00:15 To repair these defects, begin by removing loose surface material. Use a vacuum to suction any debris to create an ideal application area. Next, use Belzona 4911 (Magma TX Conditioner) to condition the area. The conditioner will create a surface to which Belzona 4111 can adhere to.

00:32 Pour the Belzona 4911 (Magma TX Conditioner) Solidifier into the Base container and stir until it is completely mixed. Then, use a stiff-bristled brush to stipple the product onto the application surface.

00:47 The next step in the repair process is to mix Belzona 4111. Begin by mixing Belzona 4151 Base and Solidifier in a bucket. 

01:23 Next, introduce the Belzona 4111 Aggregate in increments and mix until the desired consistency is achieved.

01:51 For concrete void defects, use a wooden plank as a barrier to create a smooth edge. Apply the Belzona 4111 into the void using the provided spatula. Lastly, use a steel float to level off the product to remove entrapped air, to compact it, and to ensure maximum contact with the surface.

02:12 For unleveled equipment, pack the product into the voided space by hand. Then, use a steel float to level off the product to remove entrapped air, to compact it, and to ensure maximum contact.

02:34 To secure anchor bolts, pack the product into the space around the loose bolts. Use a steel float to level off the product. Alternatively, create a less viscous Belzona 4111 mixture for applications where pouring or cartridges are needed.

02:52 Use a funnel to pour Belzona 4111 into tight spaces. Or pour the Belzona 4111 into a cartridge, cut the tip, and insert the nozzle. Place the cartridge into a caulking gun and apply the product.

03:19 Finally, for chocking applications, glue a beam to the concrete base of the equipment. Use a funnel to pour Belzona 4111 into the voided space below the equipment. Allow it to flow around the perimeter for maximum contact.

03:41 Allow the product to cure. After, remove any formwork that was used.

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