How to Mix Belzona 4111

#belzona4111 is a 3-part #epoxy repair composite designed for repair, resurfacing, and protection of concrete and stonework. This material provides outstanding chemical and #abrasion resistance and #protection from environmental attack, simplifying maintenance procedures. 

In this video, we will demonstrate how to mix a bucket of Belzona 4111.

For this mixing, you will need a mechanical hand mixer.

First, open Belzona 4111 bucket and take out all the components.

The #belzona4111 bucket contains all the necessary components for the mix: #belzona4911 Conditioner Base and Solidifier, #belzona4151 Base and Solidifier, Belzona 4111 Aggregate and a Belzona spatula.

As always make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use that comes with each product.

Empty the entire contents of Belzona 4151 Base and Solidifier into the mixing bucket and start mixing both components together using a mechanical mixer.

Once both components are thoroughly mixed, start adding Belzona 4111 Aggregate into the mix in small portions. 

Continue mixing until all the aggregate is fully incorporated into the mix and the desired consistency is achieved. The amount of added aggregate determines the final consistency of the mixed product. 

Once the product is mixed, it is ready for the planned application on:

Expansion joints
Containment areas